We are a
Bilingual Education
broadens skills and horizons.
We believe that the world is bigger
than the space we live.
We promote a culture of peace.
Human Education
with Academic Excellence.


AUBRICK was the first Brazilian educational institution in São Paulo to be accredited with Cambridge International School Certification to Primary and Lower Secondary Education, the most renowned international school certification worldwide.

AUBRICK is the only school in Brazil part of Round Square which is a group of schools around the globe engaged on social education and experimental learning. These evolve around six main subjects called IDEALS: international understanding,democracy, environmental administration, adventure, leadership and service.


Here you have the opportunity to know how Aubrick educates its students through Cambridge International Education Programme.

We talked to the best colleges in US and all over the world. Here you get to know what they think about Cambridge Qualifications.

Watch this video to understand how our learners are prepared to face challenges worldwide.

Watch this video to understand how our learners are prepared to face challenges worldwide.

Get to know more about Round Square

Get to know about the Round Square fundamentals